Beginning of time - 65,000,000B.C. -
The SPOOKYSAURUS travels happily through space exploring universe after universe, galaxy after galaxy.
It makes friends wherever it goes as it has the amazing ability to make any living thing feel better by taking their fears away.
Fear is its favourite food and it quite literally eats fear for breakfast (lunch and dinner too!)
One day, it caught the whiff of somewhere with more fear than it had ever smelt before. The crazy cosmic creature zapped its way towards the source of the scrumptious smell.
It was coming from somewhere in a tiny galaxy in a distant universe it had never visited before …
65,000,000B.C.(ish) -
The SPOOKYSAURUS arrives on planet Earth which is teaming with creatures, big and small.
This abundance of life is the source of all the fear. Everything is either afraid of being eaten, or having nothing to eat.
SPOOKYSAURUS prepares itself for a fear feast beyond its wildest dreams. But the beings of this world, unlike any other, are so full of fear that when they have it taken away they freeze like statues. Frozen, not knowing what to feel, think or do.
In its desire to make everything free from fear, the SPOOKYSAURUS had accidentally caused the extinction of the dinosaurs!
Upon realising this awful mistake it hides itself away, hoping it can find a way to undo what it has done ...
65,000,000B.C. - 2012A.D. -
SPOOKYSAURUS keeps out of sight as best as it can for millennia, keeping fear freezing to a minimum.But one day, to its delight, it gets spotted by a creature that doesn’t freeze.
It discovers that sometimes a special being is born on Earth that has no fear. These people are destined for great things, as being born with no fear makes them unafraid to do anything they set their hearts on.
Plus, they never lie! As if you’re not afraid of anything, you don’t need to!
The SPOOKYSAURUS calls these creatures free from fear ‘Truthsayers’ and works with them to unlock their potential and more.
The Truthsayers and the SPOOKYSAURUS enable the human race to run towards becoming something beyond what evolution could imagine ...
2012 - 2018A.D. -
On a trip to the Natural History Museum, Crispin Lowrey and his nephew Bobby spot the SPOOKYSAURUS in the corner of their imagination.
Crispin decides to tell the world about its story and writes and illustrates the SPOOKYSAURUS picture book, which is self published in 2018!
2018 - 2023A.D. -
In 2021 the second picture book ‘SPOOKYSAURUS the DINNERSAURUS’ is self published along with an updated version of the original book.
In 2022 the books and brand are entered into the Brand License Europe ‘License This!’ competition ... and it WINS!
In 2023 Crispin completes the first SPOOKYSAURUS chapter book ... ‘SPOOKYSAURUS and the Child with No Fear’
Plus, the series of short stories ‘SPOOKYSAURUS the Truthsayer Tales’
2023A.D. and beyond ... -
The SPOOKYSAURUS has a stand at BLE 2023 thanks to the Kelvyn Gardner ‘License This!’ Competition.
It’s ready with its owner Crispin Lowrey to be launched into the world, but they need your help!
The brand is seeking an agent, publisher and partners to help spread its countless stories far and wide and make the world a less fearful place!
If you’re looking for something spooktacular and new ... SPOOKYSAURUS ... is that and so much more!